Monday, October 22, 2012

Is The Symbol For Love A Heart, Or Is It Something Else?

In my personal opinion the best symbol for love has to be represented by a book. A book is very strongly built on the outside, but on the inside it shows the sweetness of the two lovers with soft paper. It also shows how, in a long book, you need to commit to the book so you can finish it. Also if you don't pay attention to the book while you are reading it than in the end you will not understand a single thing and will just give up. Another thing about the book and love is that in a relationship not only do you need undying compassion, you also need intelligence.

The hard cover of the book represents that a relationship needs a strong base/structure to stand on. If the book or the relationship doesn't have a good, strong cover than the beautiful insides would just fall to the floor, and disappear with the wind. Also the soft and beautiful insides are just as important as the hard outside. If the insides where not there than the relationship would be, sadly it usually is, just a hollow shell with either no or only one person with feelings for the other, while the other person is just looking for more that a "kiss" or "hug" from the other person.

If a book is good than you will continue to read it and will enjoy it all the way through it. The same goes with a relationship, if you have a good relationship than you love the person very dearly and don't want to stop being in their company. How would you react if someone took your favorite book from you while you were reading it? Well most likely you would try to get it back, am I correct? Well wouldn't the same go for your dear love? if someone tried to take your love you would try, at any means necessary, to try and get them back.

When you are reading a book that is fairly long you cannot skip things, and you definitely cannot shove off details, or else in the end you will just crash and burn. Same goes with a relationship, if you cannot listen to your "partner" or if you shove off things that they say than in the end you will just crash and burn, and your lover may just leave you.

Lastly a relationship needs two intellectual people. They need to be smart enough to know when they need to apologize for a stupid argument, but if they are smart enough and love each other dearly than they will try to stray away from idiotic and petty fights. Also if they are both intellectual than they usually will stay together. These are reasons why I feel that a book is a great, if not the best, symbol for love.
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  1. This is an imaginative approach to a topic that usually gets the same treatment over and over. Nice job thinking this one through!
