Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Eric: From That's 70's Show should be included on the list.

Topher Grace, also known as Eric Foreman in a popular show called That's 70s Show should also be on this list. In that 70's show he is usually seen thinking of sexually explicit things, which may reflect on teens more than kids, and is usually one who likes to use pot. He shows that even if you do pot you may not get in trouble and that it doesn't do much in most episodes. He also is seen being very perverted to his girl friend Donna.

These things make him a very bad role model for children. He also has a half caring, half difficult home with a father and sister the pick on him all the time. But his mother is a caring a nurturing person which is displayed in many episodes. But this nurturing is seen backfiring on her son because Eric seems to wimp out of a lot of things but does not have much negative outcomes, besides a scolding from his father.

His actions teach kids that if you don't stand up to challenges than the world will be fine, but it won't, the world  can only prosper with brave souls. He also shows that perverted thoughts won't get you into trouble, and with that I disagree, if you say anything concerning a sexual nature you could be find or even go to jail. And lastly he shows that drug abuse is fun, but it is not. It kills brain cells and dulls your mind. Is this what you want your kid to grow up believing? If not than we should put Eric Foreman on the Worst T.V. Role Models list.
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1 comment:

  1. Wasn't expecting to see this one, but you make a strong case for Foreman as a role model-failure. :)
