So here are the unwritten rules about being Guatemalan
- You always have to respect
your family members or you parent’s friends or anyone that comes inside
your household.
- Always be kind to
strangers (this is something I could never do when I was little because I was
too shy).
- Never tell your family that
you like somebody that is a different race or else your parents will send
you to Guatemala for a year (my brother learned that the hard way).
- Always prove your boy
cousins that you are the boss of them (or they will disrespect you).
- When someone says what
race you are show them on the map where Guatemala is so they know that you
aren’t actually saying Guadalajara incorrectly.
- Always eat meat when a
family member is cooking it or just tell them that your full (something
they will find hard to believe because when you go to their house you have
to have an empty stomach).
- Always speak Spanish when
you are speaking to the elderly.
- Always dance when you are
at a party the only excuse you will ever have not to dance is that you are
either pregnant or have a broken hip otherwise you have to dance except my
pregnant cousin she still dances and I guess that is where her baby got
his moves.
- Well in my weird Guatemalan
family every Sunday after church you have to go dirt bike riding.
- Never take your cousins
meat or you will be sorry.

So these are all the crazy unwritten rules I have lived by
for years and I have seemed to survived.