Tuesday, January 15, 2013

It Is A Good Idea To Have A Goal Set For The Future

Goals are an important thing for anyone, adult, child, alien, etc. It helps someone plan for something that they want in the future, and usually will help someone accomplish a tough task if they commit to what it is that they set out to do. But there is one important thing about setting a goal. You have to make steps for you to achieve that goal. I have many goal, but there are a couple of big ones that I do wish to accomplish.

One of these goals is to attend N.C.S.U and join their "pack." This is one of my main goals because it corresponds with one of my goals that I will tell about in the future. But there is one catch about me going to this school, it is across the country and it's expensive. So I have made steps to be able to get a scholarship to go there after I graduate from High School. I have chosen to limit how much I watch television or play video games so that I can study harder on my school subjects so that I have a higher chance of getting into this school. Secondly I try to not cause too many problems at school so that I do not gain a bad reputation where they would turn me down if I registered with them. Lastly I have chosen to pay attention a lot better than I used to by training patience with other classmates who do not know the material, and maybe just learn a bit more about something that I thought I knew.

My second goal is to get more informed on animals, no matter if I like the particular animal or not. I do this by every day when I get home I either get my books that are based on certain animals, look up animals on the internet that I am not affiliated with to well, or visit animal reserves to see how they act in their own habitats in person. This may seem like an abnormal hobby, but do to my immense interest in animals this is straight up my alley, and I love to research about them, no matter what anyone may say.

My last goal, which is my biggest, is to become a veterinarian when I grow older. I have had my mind set on doing this as my job ever since I was five years old. I have always looked highly upon people who do this job, because it gives them a chance to help a creature that is unfortunate enough to live in a world that a lot of humans have ruined. I have many steps that I do. I help at animal shelters whenever I have a break off from school so that I can learn about how an animal reacts to certain things when they are domesticated, or visit the local veterinarian an watch what kind of illnesses animals come inside with. One time I have even watched a veterinarian in action, and learned about a lot of the different types of medicines they would use to save an animals life. If I am able to attend N.C.S.U then they will train me in becoming a veterinarian very greatly, so that gives me an even greater motivation to study hard and get good grades so that I can attend the school of my dreams. 

Having these goals will help me to accomplish a lot later in life. That is why it is good that I have them so that I know how to get somewhere in life rather than rotting away when I am older. 
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