The Norms Restaurant in Pomona is an amazing place to get breakfast. It is a great place to go to because of its deals, food, and staff.
Norms has many different deals one is the "Bigger, Better Breakfast." That special is a large breakfast plate for $5.99. Another special is the "Steak and Eggs." it has steak, hash browns, eggs and a side of hotcakes for $7.99. A couple of deals that they have tom show that there prices are fair.
The food at Norms is delicious, my parents wake up early once in a while on the weekend. My favorite is the hot cakes with bacon and eggs. The platter has three pancakes, two pieces of bacon, scrambled parents prefer to get the "Steak and Eggs" special. Everything that I have tried tasted great.
The staff is extremely friendly and i am not the only one who thinks so. They are kind and listen attentively to your order.
Norms Restaurant in Pomona is a great place to get breakfast because of the prices, food, and staff. If you want to find out what other people think of this place click here.
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Thursday, January 31, 2013
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Jim's Burgers the Most Meh Around
Jim's burgers is a little diner on foothill that mostly servers pastrami sandwiches with fries and a soda. Go any further then that ,say dwell deeper in to the menu, you are met with meh burgers that don't really differentiate themselves from other restaurants. Their main item , the pastrami , is greasy and leaves your stomach aching and your body telling you that you should have had a salad. The onion rings are actually not what your thinking right now there actually not that bad , crisp and tasty, they are one of the best items on the menu.
The usual stay goes a little like this.When you first walk in you smell the familiar smell of fast food cooking and fries boiling in oil. The surroundings make you feel as if you are in a old 50's diner. Seats groan as you sit in to their vinyl embrace. You scan the menu for something that looks even slightly appetizing and your eyes stop on the bold letters of "pastrami sandwich". The waiter comes around to take your order. Your food comes after a short wait. You dig in and about half way into the sandwich you start feeling queasy and can't eat. looking down at your wet hands you notice that the sandwich was dipped in anjue and what you were eating is wrong.
The Lazy Dog Cafe, One of the Best Places to Eat
Can't find a place to eat? Do you want to go to a place where you can eat ANY type of food? Then you should go to The Lazy Dog Cafe. Here, you can get from classic American food to delicious Asian food.
When I walked into Lazy Dog, I thought the decoration of the restaurant was so adorable. Everything was all about puppies! From portraits of puppies, to dog bone shaped mints. Once they sat us down, they took our order fast! It was like speedee service! Our food came out 20 minutes later. My plate looked mouth-watering: a cheeseburger with all the trimmings and a side of golden fries. When I took a bite of my cheeseburger, it was like a bite of heaven. It melted in my mouth. When I took a bite of my french fry, it was crunchy on the outside, and soft on the inside. While we were eating, the waiter was always checking on us to see if we needed anything. That's what I like about restaurants. The waiters are so helpful and kind. After, we had dessert. We decided to get Homemade Apple Cobbler. It was so indulging,but HOT! The Vanilla Bean Ice Cream that was on top was so delicious.
Here at Lazy Dog, they have everything that you can wish for. Such as:
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When I walked into Lazy Dog, I thought the decoration of the restaurant was so adorable. Everything was all about puppies! From portraits of puppies, to dog bone shaped mints. Once they sat us down, they took our order fast! It was like speedee service! Our food came out 20 minutes later. My plate looked mouth-watering: a cheeseburger with all the trimmings and a side of golden fries. When I took a bite of my cheeseburger, it was like a bite of heaven. It melted in my mouth. When I took a bite of my french fry, it was crunchy on the outside, and soft on the inside. While we were eating, the waiter was always checking on us to see if we needed anything. That's what I like about restaurants. The waiters are so helpful and kind. After, we had dessert. We decided to get Homemade Apple Cobbler. It was so indulging,but HOT! The Vanilla Bean Ice Cream that was on top was so delicious.
Here at Lazy Dog, they have everything that you can wish for. Such as:
- Nutritious and Delicious
- Small Plates
- Lunch Specials
- Starters
- Soup and Chili
- Greens
- Brick Oven
- Sandwiches
- Burgers
- Pasta and Noodles
- Wok-Fired Dishes
- Meat
- Chicken
- From the Sea
- Side Kicks
- Weekend Brunch
- Sweet Treats

Alaska, One Of The Most Beautiful States Around
Alaska, the very mention of this state brings on the feeling of cold to most humans. But while it may be one of the coldest places in the United States of America, it is also one of the most beautiful places to visit. Ahh, but while it may be a beautiful place, it has it's downfalls. But these downfalls do not lessen the beauty of this wonderful place, here are some of the downfalls though.
- Feral animals all around
- Thick, unexplored lands waiting for you to stroll along
- The freezing cold
- Native Eskimos, not willing to give up their land
- All the slick ice
- Ice covering lakes, making them easy to slip into
- High mountains
- Avalanches
- Lastly, lack of natural food
- Glaciers
- Lots of Forests
- Many areas not ravaged by humans
- Biggest forests in the United States
- Some love the cold
- Teaches you many things about how the world used to be before humans arrived
- Lack of criminal activity
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Thursday, January 24, 2013
My top ten priorities or goals
So for many years I have had plenty of goal but never any that were important to me . So every year I would think about doing this and that but it just never stuck like in elementary I would make a goal in New Years to become the best student I could possibly be just for my parents never for me because in elementary I had so many behavioral problems like anger issues and one really funny story is when I was in 5th grade this kid kept making fun of my friend so I saw a pinecone on the floor and chucked it right at the kid face and got in big trouble and the next day I saw him and he had a black eye a d I thought to my self a skinny person like myself partially did that and later that day I had so much pride in my little heart . And for the rest of the years of elementary I just got worse and worse until right when I went to junior high I wanted to be the best student possible just for my parents because I was so bad and I made them look bad to so I just did everything possible to be the best and got honor roll first trimester and then second but not third seems like the bad behavior just release just a little bit.
So my top ten goals are
•go to USC and get my major in maternity nursing .
•be kind to everybody I see.
•learn to conquer my fears.
•learn at least another language (like French).
•learn how to do a cartwheel.
•read ten books in a school year.
•do something independent.
•get a pen pal from another continent.
•be less shy to do things.
•and to have only one interest in some thing.
Now it is time to explain every one of my goals. The reason why I want to be a maternity nurse not only do they earn a lot of money but they help bring new life to the world and that is cool for me . Some of the things I could do with the money is buy my parents their dream house because they deserve it for all the hard work they have done for me and my siblings. So the reason why I want to be nice to everyone is because you never know if the person has faced something horrible in their life and are trying to hide that sadness with being a bully and so if I give them that smile they will feel appreciated or happy. The main reason why I want to learn how to conquer my fears is because then I wouldn't have to miss out on really fun things like roller coasters and huge water slides and etc. Why do I want to learn French is because then I could be one of the coolest things ever like I would be in a grocery store and a lady will be talking to me in Spanish and I would respond in French just for fun. So it has been a longtime I've had this Idea of learning how to do a cartwheel and it has never happen but the reason why I want to learn how to do one is because so then I could be perfect in color guard and my instructor so happy she will cry and in her reaction I will say " see I learned how to do a cartwheel just for you." So reading ten books In a school year is a piece of cake or is it when you have my English teacher because when I was reading my second book he assigned another book and now that I am on my fifth another book. And plus all this reading will enhance my vocabulary. So the reason why I want to do something independent is because usually my mom always tells me to do things and for once I want to wash my dirty socks from color guard practice. I have always wanted to have a pen pal but my only choices back then were old people or my cousins in Guatemala I've never met so this year I wanted someone out of the continent to be more interesting like Europe. I have been wanting to say so many things to my English teacher but I am too shy to say anything but they aren't questions they are more like comments so I just keep my mouth shut. The final thing I've been wanting to so share is that I wanted to have interest in only one thing and it has happened so far but I won't discuss what it is because I am too shy.
So my top ten goals are
•go to USC and get my major in maternity nursing .
•be kind to everybody I see.
•learn to conquer my fears.
•learn at least another language (like French).
•learn how to do a cartwheel.
•read ten books in a school year.
•do something independent.
•get a pen pal from another continent.
•be less shy to do things.
•and to have only one interest in some thing.
Now it is time to explain every one of my goals. The reason why I want to be a maternity nurse not only do they earn a lot of money but they help bring new life to the world and that is cool for me . Some of the things I could do with the money is buy my parents their dream house because they deserve it for all the hard work they have done for me and my siblings. So the reason why I want to be nice to everyone is because you never know if the person has faced something horrible in their life and are trying to hide that sadness with being a bully and so if I give them that smile they will feel appreciated or happy. The main reason why I want to learn how to conquer my fears is because then I wouldn't have to miss out on really fun things like roller coasters and huge water slides and etc. Why do I want to learn French is because then I could be one of the coolest things ever like I would be in a grocery store and a lady will be talking to me in Spanish and I would respond in French just for fun. So it has been a longtime I've had this Idea of learning how to do a cartwheel and it has never happen but the reason why I want to learn how to do one is because so then I could be perfect in color guard and my instructor so happy she will cry and in her reaction I will say " see I learned how to do a cartwheel just for you." So reading ten books In a school year is a piece of cake or is it when you have my English teacher because when I was reading my second book he assigned another book and now that I am on my fifth another book. And plus all this reading will enhance my vocabulary. So the reason why I want to do something independent is because usually my mom always tells me to do things and for once I want to wash my dirty socks from color guard practice. I have always wanted to have a pen pal but my only choices back then were old people or my cousins in Guatemala I've never met so this year I wanted someone out of the continent to be more interesting like Europe. I have been wanting to say so many things to my English teacher but I am too shy to say anything but they aren't questions they are more like comments so I just keep my mouth shut. The final thing I've been wanting to so share is that I wanted to have interest in only one thing and it has happened so far but I won't discuss what it is because I am too shy.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Its Good to Have Set Goals
It is a good idea to have set goals because if you achieve those goals then you will feel better about yourself, but if you don't accomplish your goals then you will feel bad. That is why you need to have steps that you will take to get to that goal.
My main goal is to be a better all around baseball player. I plan to do this by spending less time watching TV or playing video games, and spend more time practicing various techniques on fielding and batting.
There are a couple of things that are required when fielding a ball whether it is in the outfield or in the infield. If I am put in the outfield I need to know the proper way to field pop fly. If I am put in the infield I need to know how to field a ground ball,how to dive for a ball, and what to do in different situations.No matter what position I am playing in the field I need to be able to throw far enough and accurately. I will practice these things every day with my dad, my brothers, or by myself. I will practice those skills by throwing a tennis ball at a wall, playing long toss, throwing a ball in the air and catching it, and having my dad or one of my brothers run different plays with me.
There are things that need to be done when I step up to the plate and get ready to bat. The first one is I have to get into a comfortable batting stance. The next step is timing the ball by taking a step towards the pitcher. The final step is pivoting my feet, twisting my hips, and swinging all in one motion. I will practice these steps by going the batting cages, having some one pitch to me, and just swinging the bat to make the motion a habit for every time I swing.
Setting a goal is a good thing to do, but you must put in the effort and follow the steps that will help you achieve that goal. When you finally accomplish it you will feel a lot better about yourself and all of the hard work will have payed off.
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My main goal is to be a better all around baseball player. I plan to do this by spending less time watching TV or playing video games, and spend more time practicing various techniques on fielding and batting.
There are a couple of things that are required when fielding a ball whether it is in the outfield or in the infield. If I am put in the outfield I need to know the proper way to field pop fly. If I am put in the infield I need to know how to field a ground ball,how to dive for a ball, and what to do in different situations.No matter what position I am playing in the field I need to be able to throw far enough and accurately. I will practice these things every day with my dad, my brothers, or by myself. I will practice those skills by throwing a tennis ball at a wall, playing long toss, throwing a ball in the air and catching it, and having my dad or one of my brothers run different plays with me.
There are things that need to be done when I step up to the plate and get ready to bat. The first one is I have to get into a comfortable batting stance. The next step is timing the ball by taking a step towards the pitcher. The final step is pivoting my feet, twisting my hips, and swinging all in one motion. I will practice these steps by going the batting cages, having some one pitch to me, and just swinging the bat to make the motion a habit for every time I swing.
Setting a goal is a good thing to do, but you must put in the effort and follow the steps that will help you achieve that goal. When you finally accomplish it you will feel a lot better about yourself and all of the hard work will have payed off.
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New Years Goals
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New Year's Resolutions
In my opinion, I think goals are very important because they help you get ahead in life. For example, one of my resolutions is to do great in academics. Another resolution is to save money.
One of my resolutions is to do great in academics. In the future, I want to get a Ph.D in law from Harvard University AND Harvard Law School. I would like to receive a Ph.D in law because I want to be a lawyer. This career appealed to me because I like to help other people. Also, I would like to receive a Masters degree in Culinary School. I want to attend culinary school because I want to start my own cupcake business. I would also like to have a cupcake truck (food truck) so that I can share my creativity with everybody. In order to make this plan work out, I must do well in all my years of schooling.
Another resolution is to save money. To be totally honest with you, I am a SHOPAHOLIC! I know all the latest trends, and all the deals at the store. Some people look at me and say,"How does this girl know about this store and these deals?" Sometimes, when I go to Target or Walmart, and even to the mall, I always see something that I like. I will usually buy it, but then I realize that I'm broke! Sometimes, I feel horrible that I bought something. Usually it would end up in the trash, or donated to a thrift store. And to me, that's a waste of money. With that money, I can save up for necessary things like, clothes, food, and bills(not that I have any). Now, when I go to the store, I just browse(Don't worry. I still know the latest deals of the season). If I see something that I like, I always ask myself," Daisy, is this necessary?" Sometimes, I'm on a tight budget.
In conclusion, I think that these resolutions will benefit me now, and in the future.
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One of my resolutions is to do great in academics. In the future, I want to get a Ph.D in law from Harvard University AND Harvard Law School. I would like to receive a Ph.D in law because I want to be a lawyer. This career appealed to me because I like to help other people. Also, I would like to receive a Masters degree in Culinary School. I want to attend culinary school because I want to start my own cupcake business. I would also like to have a cupcake truck (food truck) so that I can share my creativity with everybody. In order to make this plan work out, I must do well in all my years of schooling.
Another resolution is to save money. To be totally honest with you, I am a SHOPAHOLIC! I know all the latest trends, and all the deals at the store. Some people look at me and say,"How does this girl know about this store and these deals?" Sometimes, when I go to Target or Walmart, and even to the mall, I always see something that I like. I will usually buy it, but then I realize that I'm broke! Sometimes, I feel horrible that I bought something. Usually it would end up in the trash, or donated to a thrift store. And to me, that's a waste of money. With that money, I can save up for necessary things like, clothes, food, and bills(not that I have any). Now, when I go to the store, I just browse(Don't worry. I still know the latest deals of the season). If I see something that I like, I always ask myself," Daisy, is this necessary?" Sometimes, I'm on a tight budget.
In conclusion, I think that these resolutions will benefit me now, and in the future.

It Is A Good Idea To Have A Goal Set For The Future
Goals are an important thing for anyone, adult, child, alien, etc. It helps someone plan for something that they want in the future, and usually will help someone accomplish a tough task if they commit to what it is that they set out to do. But there is one important thing about setting a goal. You have to make steps for you to achieve that goal. I have many goal, but there are a couple of big ones that I do wish to accomplish.
One of these goals is to attend N.C.S.U and join their "pack." This is one of my main goals because it corresponds with one of my goals that I will tell about in the future. But there is one catch about me going to this school, it is across the country and it's expensive. So I have made steps to be able to get a scholarship to go there after I graduate from High School. I have chosen to limit how much I watch television or play video games so that I can study harder on my school subjects so that I have a higher chance of getting into this school. Secondly I try to not cause too many problems at school so that I do not gain a bad reputation where they would turn me down if I registered with them. Lastly I have chosen to pay attention a lot better than I used to by training patience with other classmates who do not know the material, and maybe just learn a bit more about something that I thought I knew.
My second goal is to get more informed on animals, no matter if I like the particular animal or not. I do this by every day when I get home I either get my books that are based on certain animals, look up animals on the internet that I am not affiliated with to well, or visit animal reserves to see how they act in their own habitats in person. This may seem like an abnormal hobby, but do to my immense interest in animals this is straight up my alley, and I love to research about them, no matter what anyone may say.
My last goal, which is my biggest, is to become a veterinarian when I grow older. I have had my mind set on doing this as my job ever since I was five years old. I have always looked highly upon people who do this job, because it gives them a chance to help a creature that is unfortunate enough to live in a world that a lot of humans have ruined. I have many steps that I do. I help at animal shelters whenever I have a break off from school so that I can learn about how an animal reacts to certain things when they are domesticated, or visit the local veterinarian an watch what kind of illnesses animals come inside with. One time I have even watched a veterinarian in action, and learned about a lot of the different types of medicines they would use to save an animals life. If I am able to attend N.C.S.U then they will train me in becoming a veterinarian very greatly, so that gives me an even greater motivation to study hard and get good grades so that I can attend the school of my dreams.
Having these goals will help me to accomplish a lot later in life. That is why it is good that I have them so that I know how to get somewhere in life rather than rotting away when I am older.
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