Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Animal Experimentation, Necessary For a Break Through In Science or Another Means Of Animal Cruelty?

Are animal experiments really necessary? Do we really need to experiment and kill living beings just so we can have better lives? No, we should not do something so cruel! P.E.T.A. has an amazing saying, this saying is as stated "Animals are NOT ours to eat, wear, experiment on, abuse in any way, or for any form of entertainment." This saying is so very true, and is put in an amazing way. It shows that humans do not have the right nor should be allowed to use animals just to make their own lives easier. We should respect that they're another life form and have emotions, not just some dumb idiotic thing that waits around to be cruelly tested on, or even killed when it is not necessary. 

P.E.T.A. knows much about animal experimentation. It is a horrible thing, they use these animals in cosmetic laboratories, agricultural research, dog and cat food trials, weapons tests, aerospace studies, and car-crash simulations. One experimentation that is done on animals overshadows most others. This is testing for toxicity in things such as pesticides and other things used for keeping food safe for humans but killing bugs.

P.E.T.A. said "Regulatory agencies in the U.S.—including the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Food and Drug Administration—as well as regulatory agencies in the European Union and elsewhere in the world require chemicals, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and many other products to be tested for toxicity. Animals are forced to ingest or inhale—or are injected with—toxic substances such as gasoline components and mercury. Animals used in these tests suffer extreme pain before they are killed, dissected, and thrown away like garbage."

Right this minute in laboratories across the world there are many animals who are tied up or caged and forced to be tested on, some of these things that are tested on them eating away at their own flesh. Do you think that these animals enjoy this punishment? Put yourself in their place, would you enjoy that, having your own skin peeled off then killed if you could not perform any more tests, then thrown away like garbage? No! That is why I urge you to be nicer to animals across the world and ask you to join in P.E.T.A. in saving all of these lives from these tests. 

Photo Credit

1 comment:

  1. Good post. It was a good idea to start off the way that you did. I agree with everything you said.
