There were shootings and a pepper spray attack at a Wal-mart in Porter Ranch and a Wal-mart in San Leandro. These events happened on Black Friday just a day after you are supposed to be thankful for every thing you have.
In Porter Ranch a woman pepper sprays other customers in an "attempt" to get more "merchandise." Of course this attempt ultimately failed when the authorities where called. In a San Leandro a man was shot.wounded and robbed early Friday morning. Another shooting was reported in the parking lot of a Wal-mart in South Carolina this was also suspected as a robbery attempt.There is much more that happened on this day if you look here.
The fact that this is happening the day that people are supposed to be thankful is absurd. It is hard to believe that people can be nice and giving one day and fight and start complete chaos the next
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Thursday, November 29, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Some people say that friends will always be your friends no matter what. But I would disagree with that for a couple of reasons people may leave when in certain situations, they also may be mad about something that you had done.
Some friends may not stick around when you get put into certain situations. One example is if you got in trouble with the authorities they may not stay with you and get in trouble with you. They may not be behind you when times get hard. They may also be mad at you about something that you have done which can affect if they consider you a friend. This would happen especially if want you did affected them in a negative way.
A true friend would be with you through thick and thin. They will be there when you get in trouble and when you succeed. These are the type of friends that you should strive to find. The meaning of friendship is here.
Some friends may not stick around when you get put into certain situations. One example is if you got in trouble with the authorities they may not stay with you and get in trouble with you. They may not be behind you when times get hard. They may also be mad at you about something that you have done which can affect if they consider you a friend. This would happen especially if want you did affected them in a negative way.
A true friend would be with you through thick and thin. They will be there when you get in trouble and when you succeed. These are the type of friends that you should strive to find. The meaning of friendship is here.
Animal Testing and PETA's Stand
Medical testing on animals has been around for a long time. Since the third century when Greeks studied and tested on pigs and goats, but does that make it right? PETA or People for Ethnic Treatment of Animals is highly against animal testing saying that " more lives can be saved by educating people on the importance of avoiding fat and cholesterol...." Fat and cholesterol are not the only deadly forces met by human kind . Its is estimated that 50,000 people die from potentially vaccine preventable diseases each year just in america! vaccines are almost always directly created by animal testing , preventing all those deaths.
PETA also states in the same article this quote George Bernard Shaw once said, "You do not settle whether an experiment is justified or not by merely showing that it is of some use. The distinction is not between useful and useless experiments, but between barbarous and civilized behavior." According to PETA its civilized to throw thousands of lives to their preventable deaths just to save a few rats. Animal testing is necessary.
PETA also states in the same article this quote George Bernard Shaw once said, "You do not settle whether an experiment is justified or not by merely showing that it is of some use. The distinction is not between useful and useless experiments, but between barbarous and civilized behavior." According to PETA its civilized to throw thousands of lives to their preventable deaths just to save a few rats. Animal testing is necessary.
Black Friday: What Is It?
Have you ever heard of Black Friday? Do you know what Black Friday is? If you don't know, that's ok. This helpful mini summary will tell you what Black Friday is and what it means.
As you all know, Black Friday is right after Thanksgiving. This gives people time to shop for all their Christmas gifts. All of the stores nationwide have so many sales that people can't resist them! "Consumers were very strategic in getting the deals in items that they wanted for themselves," states Marsal Cohen in this article. On the other hand, some stores can extend Black Friday prices, and even present the prices 1-2 weeks in advance. This can cause dangerous employee protesting.
You're probably wondering what Black Friday REALLY means. Black Friday is the turning point for companies when the starting profit is 20,000-40,000. Whe the profits are low, this causes the numbers to be "black". That's why all the stores have so many sales! Just to increase profit! They probably sell the cheap stuff for alot of money.
Alot of people say that Black Friday is a waste of time and money. Let's say that you want to buy an IPad Mini. If you go on Black Friday, you'll probably get it for $300. If you wait a while, it can cost $329 on That's why it's better to purchase electronics at the lowest price.
Black Friday is a great opportunity to get good deals. If you're a shopaholic, Go For It!
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As you all know, Black Friday is right after Thanksgiving. This gives people time to shop for all their Christmas gifts. All of the stores nationwide have so many sales that people can't resist them! "Consumers were very strategic in getting the deals in items that they wanted for themselves," states Marsal Cohen in this article. On the other hand, some stores can extend Black Friday prices, and even present the prices 1-2 weeks in advance. This can cause dangerous employee protesting.
You're probably wondering what Black Friday REALLY means. Black Friday is the turning point for companies when the starting profit is 20,000-40,000. Whe the profits are low, this causes the numbers to be "black". That's why all the stores have so many sales! Just to increase profit! They probably sell the cheap stuff for alot of money.
Alot of people say that Black Friday is a waste of time and money. Let's say that you want to buy an IPad Mini. If you go on Black Friday, you'll probably get it for $300. If you wait a while, it can cost $329 on That's why it's better to purchase electronics at the lowest price.
Black Friday is a great opportunity to get good deals. If you're a shopaholic, Go For It!

Black Friday Incident, Two People Shot
Two people were shot outside of a Wal-Mart in Tallahassee, Florida on Black Friday. The victims were a man and a woman, according to witnesses. Luckily the two that were shot did not die but are in the hospital for they cannot leave due to wounds. Neither have suffered life-threatening injuries, say police.
According to the Tallahassee Democrat, a newspaper in Florida, there was one major witness named Kollet Probst. She said she had finished much of her holiday shopping when she returned to the Walmart on Apalachee Parkway to make a return. She said she was waiting in the customer service department when a crowd of people came running into the store from the parking lot. Shots started going off, and customers ducked for cover.
Another major witness, unknown name, states that the two people that were shot got into a very deep argument and that the shooter had gotten annoyed and shot his firearm. Both stories may add up but the gunman has ran away and is still being chased by police officials.
Small Witness' Statement
According to the Tallahassee Democrat, a newspaper in Florida, there was one major witness named Kollet Probst. She said she had finished much of her holiday shopping when she returned to the Walmart on Apalachee Parkway to make a return. She said she was waiting in the customer service department when a crowd of people came running into the store from the parking lot. Shots started going off, and customers ducked for cover.
Another major witness, unknown name, states that the two people that were shot got into a very deep argument and that the shooter had gotten annoyed and shot his firearm. Both stories may add up but the gunman has ran away and is still being chased by police officials.
Small Witness' Statement
Animal Experimentation, Necessary For a Break Through In Science or Another Means Of Animal Cruelty?
Are animal experiments really necessary? Do we really need to experiment and kill living beings just so we can have better lives? No, we should not do something so cruel! P.E.T.A. has an amazing saying, this saying is as stated "Animals are NOT ours to eat, wear, experiment on, abuse in any way, or for any form of entertainment." This saying is so very true, and is put in an amazing way. It shows that humans do not have the right nor should be allowed to use animals just to make their own lives easier. We should respect that they're another life form and have emotions, not just some dumb idiotic thing that waits around to be cruelly tested on, or even killed when it is not necessary.
P.E.T.A. knows much about animal experimentation. It is a horrible thing, they use these animals in cosmetic laboratories, agricultural research, dog and cat food trials, weapons tests, aerospace studies, and car-crash simulations. One experimentation that is done on animals overshadows most others. This is testing for toxicity in things such as pesticides and other things used for keeping food safe for humans but killing bugs.
P.E.T.A. said "Regulatory agencies in the U.S.—including the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Food and Drug Administration—as well as regulatory agencies in the European Union and elsewhere in the world require chemicals, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and many other products to be tested for toxicity. Animals are forced to ingest or inhale—or are injected with—toxic substances such as gasoline components and mercury. Animals used in these tests suffer extreme pain before they are killed, dissected, and thrown away like garbage."
Right this minute in laboratories across the world there are many animals who are tied up or caged and forced to be tested on, some of these things that are tested on them eating away at their own flesh. Do you think that these animals enjoy this punishment? Put yourself in their place, would you enjoy that, having your own skin peeled off then killed if you could not perform any more tests, then thrown away like garbage? No! That is why I urge you to be nicer to animals across the world and ask you to join in P.E.T.A. in saving all of these lives from these tests.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
The real origin of thanks giving
So many people think that thanksgiving
is about gathering around with family and eating,and saying thanks well it is not .In
1621, the Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indians shared an autumn harvest
feast that is known today as one of the first Thanksgiving celebrations
in the colonies. For more than two centuries, days of thanksgiving were
celebrated by some colonies and states. It wasn't until 1863, in the middle of the Civil War, that President Abraham Lincoln declared that thanksgiving should be held every November.
In September 1620, a small ship
called the mayflower left Plymouth, England, carrying 102 passengers—a group of religious rebels seeking a new home where they could freely use their faith and other people lead on by the promise of prosperity
and land ownership in the New World. After a false and awkward crossing that lasted 66 days, they dropped anchor near the tip of Cape Cod, far
north of their planed spot at the mouth of the Hudson River. One month
later, the Mayflower crossed Massachusetts Bay, where the Pilgrims, as they are now known, began the work of establishing a village at Plymouth.
that first harsh winter, most of the colonists stayed on board the ship,
where they suffered the outbreaks of contagious disease.
Only half of the Mayflower’s original passengers and crew lived to see their
first New England spring. In March, the rest of the settlers moved ashore, where
they received an amazing visit from an Abenaki Indian who greeted them in
English. Several days later, he returned with another Native American, Squanto,
a member of the Pawtuxet tribe who had been kidnapped by an English sea captain
and sold into slavery before escaping to London and returning to his homeland
on an exploratory expedition. Squanto taught the Pilgrims, weakened by
malnutrition and illness, how to cultivate corn, extract sap from maple trees,
catch fish in the rivers and avoid poisonous plants. He also helped the
settlers forge an alliance with the Wampanoag, a local tribe, which would
endure for more than 50 years and tragically remains one of the sole examples
of harmony between European colonists and Native Americans.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Thanksgiving Time
Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful for all of the things you have. It is also a time to give to the the ones who need. Thanksgiving is about people coming together and giving thanks for there food and everything they have.
During Thanks giving people volunteer at a soup kitchen or donate canned goods or other types of food to the homeless. This is a very common way to express this holiday. The way that most people celebrate Thanksgiving is by having a turkey, mashed potatoes, and other foods art the a table and have dinner with friends and family.there are many different ways to celebrate this holiday.
Thanksgiving is a holiday that has been celebrated for a long period of time. It was started by the Pilgrims and the Native Americans who had a feast celebrating the harvest. Thanksgiving is a time of giving and thankfulness and a reminder not to take what you have for granted.
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During Thanks giving people volunteer at a soup kitchen or donate canned goods or other types of food to the homeless. This is a very common way to express this holiday. The way that most people celebrate Thanksgiving is by having a turkey, mashed potatoes, and other foods art the a table and have dinner with friends and family.there are many different ways to celebrate this holiday.
Thanksgiving is a holiday that has been celebrated for a long period of time. It was started by the Pilgrims and the Native Americans who had a feast celebrating the harvest. Thanksgiving is a time of giving and thankfulness and a reminder not to take what you have for granted.
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Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Thanks to Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving, Such A Joyous Occasion
I feel that Thanksgiving is a very good holiday, for those who care for it anyways. Thanksgiving brings families together. It stops much fighting and feuds between family members and it makes families more thankful to what they have and own, even though the next day much fighting happens. Thanks to Thanksgiving it's brought many families together, and brought people to new foods and tastes.
Thanksgiving is a very old holiday, but is still practiced very much. It shows how two very different people can come together and come up over their differences and get together to have a beautiful feast. But some people don't realize how important this holiday is. Some people just think of this holiday as a day to eat a lot of food and socialize with family and friends. But in reality this holiday was about the fight for survival that the pilgrims had for food. But then, like a gift from heaven, a couple of Plymouth Indians gave food and shelter to these pilgrims
The pilgrims were very grateful for the empathy that the Indians had, but it wasn't until a while afterwards that this day became a holiday. This, Thanksgiving, was made an actual holiday by Abraham Lincoln, and it represented all that the people of the United States were grateful for.
So hopefully more people will respect the holiday of Thanksgiving. If they do appreciate this holiday more in depth than they will realize what's more important in their own lives, and what the early citizens of the United States went through. So we should be thankful to them, or else a lot of people wouldn't be here.
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Thanksgiving is a very old holiday, but is still practiced very much. It shows how two very different people can come together and come up over their differences and get together to have a beautiful feast. But some people don't realize how important this holiday is. Some people just think of this holiday as a day to eat a lot of food and socialize with family and friends. But in reality this holiday was about the fight for survival that the pilgrims had for food. But then, like a gift from heaven, a couple of Plymouth Indians gave food and shelter to these pilgrims
The pilgrims were very grateful for the empathy that the Indians had, but it wasn't until a while afterwards that this day became a holiday. This, Thanksgiving, was made an actual holiday by Abraham Lincoln, and it represented all that the people of the United States were grateful for.
So hopefully more people will respect the holiday of Thanksgiving. If they do appreciate this holiday more in depth than they will realize what's more important in their own lives, and what the early citizens of the United States went through. So we should be thankful to them, or else a lot of people wouldn't be here.
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Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Thanksgiving: What YOU Should Be Thankful For
Thanksgiving is all about what were thankful for, right? Exactly! Alot of people think that Thanksgiving is a day to eat excessively and then go Christmas shopping right after.
To me, Thanksgiving is a day to spend time with family. It is also a day to thank God for all the blessings and wonderful things he has given to us. We are also thankful for living in a free country full of opportunities. Alot of third-world countries aren't even allowed to follow the religion they desire or know best. They must obey the ruler of their country. They don't have a freedom of speech like we do.
I am also thankul for having parents who care about me. Some people have kids, but they don't want them. Instead, they give them up for adoption. Sometimes, they abduct them and treat them badly. They wish that they never existed. Some people, on the other hand, love children and would do anything for them. That's what you call a parent!
Alot of people think that Thanksgiving is just a big feast. I feel that God provided for the meal on Thanksgiving Day. Alot of people think," Oh, it's just another all-you-can-eat feast." All they do is just eat and eat like they don't have a care in the world.
People think that Thanksgiving is "just another holiday". Thanksgiving is a day to give thanks for everything we have.
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To me, Thanksgiving is a day to spend time with family. It is also a day to thank God for all the blessings and wonderful things he has given to us. We are also thankful for living in a free country full of opportunities. Alot of third-world countries aren't even allowed to follow the religion they desire or know best. They must obey the ruler of their country. They don't have a freedom of speech like we do.
I am also thankul for having parents who care about me. Some people have kids, but they don't want them. Instead, they give them up for adoption. Sometimes, they abduct them and treat them badly. They wish that they never existed. Some people, on the other hand, love children and would do anything for them. That's what you call a parent!
Alot of people think that Thanksgiving is just a big feast. I feel that God provided for the meal on Thanksgiving Day. Alot of people think," Oh, it's just another all-you-can-eat feast." All they do is just eat and eat like they don't have a care in the world.
People think that Thanksgiving is "just another holiday". Thanksgiving is a day to give thanks for everything we have.
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Physical Education in Schools
PE is important in school because otherwise well have a bunch of fatsos walking around schools.
Laziness and sedentary life styles is a high contributor to type 2 diabetes in adults. If students are not taught how to exercise and stay fit to prevent chronic diseases like diabetes as stated in this article.
The simple basis of PE is to enable the student to be able to excise during their life time. Track and field concentrates on cardio and protects the heart and prevents heart diseases . Activities like jump rope are shown to help improve overall heart health. Even a simple section of stretches helps prevent cramps and stiffness in the muscles. PE should definitiely be kept for the general heath of the student body.
Laziness and sedentary life styles is a high contributor to type 2 diabetes in adults. If students are not taught how to exercise and stay fit to prevent chronic diseases like diabetes as stated in this article.
The simple basis of PE is to enable the student to be able to excise during their life time. Track and field concentrates on cardio and protects the heart and prevents heart diseases . Activities like jump rope are shown to help improve overall heart health. Even a simple section of stretches helps prevent cramps and stiffness in the muscles. PE should definitiely be kept for the general heath of the student body.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
P.E. Activities: What is Appropriate
One of the the attributes is agility. Agility is what is used to move around, over, and in between things. this is a skill that can be built up over time and is a skill that is used in many sports such as football, soccer, and baseball.
Speed is an other attribute that is needed and built over time. You need this to move quickly from point A to point B, you need this in every sport.
The last attribute is coordination which helps you catch the ball, hit the ball, and other different things. This one is just as important as the others because it what gets things done.
some people believe that competitive sports are bad and should not be played in P.E. because is has winners and losers. Competitive sports do have winners and losers but as a person you have to learn how to lose.
In conclusion, Some people believe that competitive sports should be banned from schools. But they are wrong because of the amount of exercise it has. sports require agility, speed, and coordination.counter argument article
counter argument article
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Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Thoughts of Physical Education
P.E physically improves your overall health. This article by the University of Michigan states that kids who are very active are less likely to miss school. They also improve more in academics than non-active kids. It helps maintain the child's weight, helps maintain energy, and help us feel good about ourselves. In my opinion, I love P.E because you stay fit while having fun at the same time. Many studies have demonstrated the positive effects of physical education and physical activity on school performance. On the other hand, parents think that just running isn't going to improve overall health.
P.E mentally improves academic performance and blood flow of the brain. When a child is running, the heart rate increases, right? When the heart rate increases, it causes the brain to "concentrate", meaning to focus on the effects of the physical activity. One day, I noticed that my friend was improving her grades. She would usually ask me for help, but the next couple of days, she did everything by herself. I asked her," How did you improve so well on your academics?" She replied," P.E. I saw a study about it, and I decided to follow it." Current research shows a consistent positive relationship between physical activity and academic achievement in children and adolescents. Parents argue that physical activity has nothing to do with academic performance.
A lot of people(mostly parents) argue that physical education is not important. They say that their child's health is none of the school's business. It is the school's business! They need to know if your child has certain medications or health issues! What if their child gets sick? They can't blame it on the school. It's the parent's fault. No one else's.
If it was up to me, I would require all the schools in the U.S to have P.E. It can improve academic performance and overall health.
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Physical Education, Threat or Asisstance Towards Children?
Some people may say that their kids shouldn't have to do Physical Education because they do not want to. Well I for one love P.E. and getting exercise than being cramped up in a classroom all day doing school work. But some kids, some obese and some just lazy, don't like to do P.E. because it is exercise, but those kids need to do the exercise. If they don't learn how to do the these exercises, or keep themselves fit with exercising then they will become obese or really lazy when they grow older, and if they are lazy or obese it will be harder to find a job because all they will want to do, if they are lazy, is skip work or sleep and go in late. And with the obese problem, we can't say that the people who hire people for a job aren't prejudice. If they are "fat" than some bosses may not want them in their profession, or they may harass the person for being obese.
Another group of people may argue that when doing exercise at school they risk getting an injury. Sure doing P.E. does have risks, but isn't bruises, scratches, and cuts apart of being a kid? If kids do not learn how to deal with pain at a younger age they will grow up thinking that everything is safe, but sadly that is not how this world works. Plus if kids are afraid to get hurt then in later school years they are more open towards bullying because they are acting like "wimps" and need to "man up". Another thing is that if they don't get hurt at a younger age then they won't have what they call a "thick skin" and will most likely cry when hurt, physically or mentally.
People may think that P.E. is a waste of time and would be better spent teaching children to become book smart, but not physically strong. But if P.E. was such a waste of time than why is there a lot more pros than cons? Like P.E. is the only other time of the day when kids can socialize while having fun exercising. P.E. will also help kids not get ridiculed when they get older. Most kids are ridiculed because they have a weight problem, and this also leaves them open to rejection from people that they are infatuated with. Would you like this to happen to your child? Would you like them to grow up with horrible fitness where they are winded from walking up a flight of steps? NO! So do not cancel the Physical Education subject in schools!
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